What’s Good,What’s Not?

I haven’t written much over the past few weeks, mainly because Covid has left me tired. Now I am just starting to get some energy back and I have been using the time to review some of my writing and edit a few bits and pieces. I had a rejection from a journal on the grounds that, although the editor thought it was a great poem they would not publish anything that made a reference to God, religion are anything vaguely Biblical. I was just a little taken aback as I hadn’t thought of the particular poem as having anything to do with religion at all and the references, such as they were, represented time, and the strangeness of the universe. Still, it got me thinking about what makes a good poem, what makes a poem accessible or what excludes readers.

I am still thinking.

Meanwhile, my poetry tutor tells me that the writing assignment for our group meeting next week is narrative poetry and she told me to read book one of a long narrative poem by a Nineteenth Century poet. Frankly, life’s too short!


A little encouragement


Good Times, Bad Times